Agencies usually give you the option of choosing whether you want to pay a little bit extra for the health insurance. Whether you accept this or not is up to you. We can only give you a few pieces of info.
What Is It?
Essentially, health insurance is a part of travel insurance that deals with illnesses and medical emergencies. Since your company or country can’t pay for your health insurance, as there is no reason for them to invest in foreign medical professionals, travel agencies offer you the option of paying some money to get health insurance.
How Does It Work?
It is fairly simple. First, you pay your travel insurance. The travel agency will provide you with all of the necessary info, including what conditions and instances are covered by your policy. Upon arriving to your destination, there is usually a short orientation pointing you to the doctor and the local travel agent, just in case. If not, do your best to find the doctor as soon as possible.
In case of a medical emergency, or even a minor condition, you will take your travel insurance card and head straight to the licensed practitioner that the agency has a contract with. It has to be someone related to the agency, because doctors have no reason to treat someone who paid another doctor. Notify your handler, or local travel agent affiliated with your agency, and inquire about what your next step should be.
What Happens if You Don’t Take It?
Health insurance is by no means obligatory, but it does save you some grief if you get it and end up in an uncomfortable position. So it’s pretty much how you would handle health insurance in your everyday life.
If there’s an emergency, and you don’t have health insurance, you may be required to pay a substantial amount of money to treat your condition. Replacing a hip, pulling out a tooth, a bypass and many other procedures greatly vary in price, depending on where you are.
You are especially at risk if you have allergies, are prone to accidents, or have a medical condition that requires monitoring. Epilepsy, sensitivity to certain types of medication, diabetes and countless other conditions keep you on your toes all the time.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Like most types of insurance, health insurance abroad does not cover your pre-existing conditions. Discuss traveling with your doctor and agent before paying for health insurance, or traveling to begin with.
Should I Get It?
Again, it is up to you. Some people like to sleep a little easier at night, while others prefer to save a few bucks. But it is worth noting that, with insurance, there is a team supporting your health.